Wednesday, December 28, 2016


 👇 By John Courtesy - 100k Guider

1. Never collect money from your downlines or prospects to do for them in your PO. Teach them how to be participants, register them and let them manage their account. You can only give assistance where necessary. 

2. Explain to your downlines what MMM is before registration. Make sure you explain the risks very well to the person. When you do this you will always have confident downlines.

3. NEVER call or tell anybody that MMM is an investment or business. We don't invest money. What we do is donation of our SPARE money. Tell your prospects to join the Community of financial help.

4. Don't be afraid of anything because we are not breaking any law.

5. Nigerian MMM is rated among the strongest in the world. So don't think about crashing. We must be honest in our dealings in MMM.

6. Never upload fake POP, no matter the circumstance! Never! Never!! Never!!!

7. Confirm payment orders on time anytime you've received the payment alert. Don't delay others of getting financial help just like you've gotten.

8. We are encouraged to plan and carry out a community development task. More info will come on this.

9. OPPORTUNITY: MMM will open call center(anticipated). Call center operators might be employed. Watch out for the info on your PO and apply for those interested. This is to enhance the support team work.

10. By all means, strive to do both mobile and internet banking! (Download the Apps where necessary)!

11. Keep all the rules and regulations of MMM Nigeria. My advice, go back and study all the rules once again.

12. Do not let the greed nature overtake you by trying to look for ways to cheat the system. You will be breaking the rules by so doing, and you will not like the end result. A more stricter measures will be applied for rule breakers.

13. The target of MMM NG is for all Nigerian to be MMM participants and give as many as possible FINANCIAL FREEDOM!!!
MMM has come to stay. Spread the news.

Get your family and friends to register today.

And most of all, PH again!😊

Together we can do a lot and we are changing the world!!!
Article by John Courtesy

Click on any of the links to Register or through this button below.

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