Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How To Register On MMM and Start Earning 30% Interest

2. Enter your Personal Office.

3. There will be two big buttons. “Provide help” and “Get help”.

4. If you want to contribute money, click “Provide help” and specify the amount you want to put into the system. The minimum amount is $10.

5. You immediately get MAVROs in your Personal Office and they start to increase by 100% per month.
(MAVRO is the internal currency of the system)
However, as soon as you get MAVROs you won’t be able to sell them till they are unconfirmed as you still haven’t transferred money but only created the request.

6. Then you’ll get the order in your PO including all bank account details of the person you should transfer money to.
The order also contains contact details of the person so you can get in touch with him or her to make sure that it’s a real person and participant as you.

In MMM there is no central account where all participants’ money accumulates (and where it can be stolen). All transfers are carried out between the participants directly. It means that everything is quite clear and transparent. MMM plays the role of the operator that helps to establish the contact between the participants.

7. Transfer money to the participant. He or she confirms the receipt and your MAVROs become “confirmed”. That’s it! Now you can sell them whenever you want, total amount or a part of it.

8. If you want to sell your MAVROs click “Get help” and specify the amount.

Other participant will receive the order and will send you the money (provide help). As you did earlier! Don’t forget to confirm the receipt of help as soon as the money is on your bank account (But no earlier! Be careful with frauds!). If you don’t do it the sender’s MAVROs won’t be confirmed.

9. You can take a look of PO and the buttons “Provide Help” and “Get help” in the DEMO.

10. You can read the detailed rules of system on the page “What is MMM”.

At the beginning we recommend contributing a small sum of money that isn’t critical for you and go through the process from the start to the end. From the registration to getting help. Therefore, everything will be clear and there won’t be any doubts.

       Click Register HERE button to register on MMM now.

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